FutureTravel Newsletter 19 / 27.05

Are Spaceflights the next big thing? 🚀

Hi , 

I hope you are well and able to stay on top of things as the world reopens and the travel industry starts to catch up. While working on this newsletter, I'm staying optimistic about what comes - but don't want to be naive :) At FutureTravel our goal is to provide you with a weekly update about the travel industry, delivering straight to your inbox the top news, trends and startups innovating in the travel sector.And here comes your weekly roundup of top travel news. 

✈ I’m sure most of us still remember the big wave of layoffs in the travel industry when the pandemic hit. Now the industry is recovering and it’s time to rehire staff. Is your CV ready, ?

✈ Domestic travel has seen new heights during the past months as travel restrictions were in place here, there and everywhere. As a result of that, many travellers went exploring new areas on their own countries instead of crossing borders. So we're not surprised to see that rural communities are having their tourism moment as UNWTO opens call for "Best Tourism Villages". I love it. ✈ If last year was a challenging one for Airbnb, it seems like they took the time to bring significant improvements on the tech side of things. The platform has launched their "most comprehensive update", with more than 100 innovations and updates. Can we say they are getting ready for 2021? 

✈ The Paris-based car rental startup Virtuo just raised $96 million and aims to invest this money on its technology and future growth. ✈ Europe is still trying to fine tune how to deal with traveling and the so called “new normal”: while Malta claims to be the first EU country to reach herd immunity, Spain reveals a digital tool for trade and consumers. But IATA has been very clear about what to expect from airports in the upcoming months: chaos. ✈ This week Virgin Galactic completed its third spaceflight. Seems like the dream of private space travel gets very real in the near future. ✈ Sabre has just partnered up with Barcelona based startup Byhours, which sells hourly hotel packages -- interesting way for the startup to entering the North American market.✈ I was amazed to read this article about how one of China's biggest hotel companies is recovering its revenue to pre-pandemic business levels. It's just crazy to think how fast this all can come back. And well.. looks like we are all getting ready: Airbus told suppliers to gear up for record production. Way to go!

You won’t get an email from me next week since I will be on holidays (yay!). But stay tuned: I am preparing some exciting updates for when I’m back! 🙌

See you on June 10th, .Ana