Edition #58, April 15

New education initiatives for the travel industry 🤓


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Dear ,

By the time this email hits your inbox, I’ll be on my way to spend some days off with my family. I hope you will also make some time to go hunting for some Easter eggs with someone you love during the weekend, . In any case, I want to make sure you receive your weekly news wrap up on the top innovation stories going on in the travel industry. So here it is:

  • The Finnish startup Valpas has just raised €2 million for growing their innovative tech solution (combining hardware, software and label) to fight bed bugs. I love to see startup founders tackling issues like this, where most of us just go like “oh, someone should do something about this”. Well, it seems like Valpas is on a mission to make guests have a pest-free stay.

  • Travalyst wants to make it easier for customers to book a flight with lower emissions, with their just-announced framework that lets different industry players collect and display flight emissions data in a simple way. "By delivering clear and consistent tools for collecting and reporting airline data, we are helping travellers and the industry to make more informed – and lower-emitting – air travel choices," said Sally Davey, CEO of Travalyst. In my opinion, anyone making an effort to make data more accessible and things less complex in this industry (specially when it comes to carbon emissions!), has my respect.

  • The travel industry is starting to take education more seriously - for both travel facilitators and travellers. Avanti Destinations has just teamed up with Spain’s Tourist Office to create a travel booklet on ‘la buena vida’, giving all the best tips for savouring the Spanish good life. At the same time, Hopper is bouncing into the travel education market with Bunny Bootcamp - giving travel agents the experience and knowledge they need to grow into their careers. We are always curious about new education initiatives for the travel industry - is there something you think we shouldn’t miss in this topic?

  • There’s one thing that always gives me stress when travelling: having a stopover. From panicking about whether I'll have enough time to get through the airport, to worrying about my bags, security and one or another (very essential) duty-free purchases, it can be a headache. I’m sure I’m not the only one who was glad to see that Marseille Provence Airport has just teamed up with Kiwi.com to create a self-connect service that’s promising to make the experience much smoother and stress-free. I’m sold!

This is it for this week, . Before we all go back to our deserved time off, here is a little invitation: if there is something you would like to see “more of” or “less of” in the content of the FutureTravel newsletters, just hit reply and let me know. I’m always curious and open to receive feedback from our community :)

Happy Easter!

See you next week,Ana

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The content of this newsletter is curated and published by Ana Metz, innovation expert, passionate about technology and excited about the future of travel.

If you are looking for the most disruptive startups in the travel industry right now, make sure to check out our Premium Report: “Top 100 Travel Startups” which might be relevant for you.

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